Green Fee Offers

We Have Some Great Visitor Offers For You

Exceptional Value

Green fee prices are as follows:

Monday and Tuesday £20 per player
Wednesday and Thursday £25 per player
Friday £29.50 per player
Weekends £39 per player

Mid Week & Weekend slots readily available. All visitors welcome.
Book using the Book Tee times on the front page or call 01992 813054

Join Us
Theydon Bois Golf Club is not just a place to play golf, it is also a place to socialise and meet new friends.

Clubhouse Opening
From 20 May 2024

Mon-Tue: Closed
Wed-Thu 11am-3pm
Fri: 11am-4pm
Sat-Sun: 8am-5pm
Mon-Thu: 11am to 6pm
Fri-Sat: 11am to 7pm
Sun: 11am to 6pm
Note: Bar may close earlier if there is insufficient demand/poor weather, etc
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